A language is not just words. It’s a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It’s all embodied in a language.

Noam Chomsky

If you read works by Noam Chomsky, you will begin to understand just how important language is when it comes to social issues and politics. For example, The Patriot Act, serves to undermine the constitution that no self described patriot would ever tolerate. The Freedom Act of 2015 continued many of those totalitarian provisions. No Child Left Behind has served to worsen the outcomes for children and created a train wreck of the education system. Gender dysphoria is now “gender affirmation” with no debate allowed, while the homeless have become the “unhoused.” Without taking any stance on these issues, it is obvious that there is intention behind the changes, and when you alter the language, you alter the meaning subversively and without debate. As Chomsky again puts it: “It takes one minute to tell a lie, and an hour to refute it.” In this case it would take hours if not days to read the legislation to understand its true purpose. Who has time for that in their 50+ hour a week schedule? Yet this populous is supposedly qualified enough to elect its leaders. [We say this in that it should be educated, not to discourage democracy.]

Family law is not about about family. Family law did not exist in this form until recently. Issues of marriage and divorce left to preachers for most of human history. But something changed in the 1970’s, and with the enactment of Title IV (specifically Title IV-D) of the Social Security Act, the federal government codified cash incentives for the states. The ruling class made it clear–no more welfare for single mothers. Instead, we have created a new class of slaves, the indebted, non-custodial parent (NCP). With no-fault divorce eliminating any consequences for infidelity and other formerly socially unacceptable behaviors, the consequences of ending an intact household have fallen mostly on the NCP. With the stakes being your future for potentially the next 18 years or more, the legal system knows that you will go to great lengths to secure your future. As a result we now have a 50+ billion a year industry, all funded by federal tax payer funds and those unfortunate enough to be caught up in the system. Resources that could be funding are children’s’ futures, are funding pet projects for the states.

Family law is not law, at least not as you would imagine. There is no due process thanks to ex-parte hearings and an appeals court that nearly unanimously refuses to hear these cases. There is no right of representation–public defenders do not exist in civil courts. There is no protection from indentured servitude or debtors prisons. By making contempt of court an offense subject to incarceration, there are untold thousands of NCPs essentially given a life sentence that is renewed every six months. And while the mainstream media preaches equity, the sad reality is that most of these folks are minorities. Do their Lives not Matter?

Incentive is everything. And if you allow lawyers to make all of the laws, you will find them subjected to none unless they injure their own. When a law that profits lawyers is unjust, you can take your complaint to a body of lawyers, whose summer properties, boats, expensive cars, and children’s educations are all financed by those same laws. When a judge (an attorney) acts outside of the law, they are protected by judicial immunity. File a complaint and they will certainly investigate themselves, and most likely find no wrong doing. A prosecutor can ruin your life with an accusation. By the time you defend yourself you would have lost your career, home, reputation, and possibly your life. What is the consequence? Vice Presidency for some.

Family law is a cash grab for attorneys. Attorneys who heavily advertise in our media, attorneys who represent a large segment of our lawmakers, attorneys who only profit from conflict–not from resolution. When resolution occurs the billable hours stop. Allowing the federal government to reward this social cancer with our very own tax dollars would have our founding fathers rolling in their graves.