—making money off of our children?

Did you know what sample size was accepted by the AAP when it came to recommending the mass vaccination of all children in the US? About 1500. Half of which received a placebo. With zero long term trials they recommended the highly profitable (and highly experimental) vaccine to be administered to all children. What is the COVID complication/death rate for children? Nearly zero. And yet they sold out to their sponsors; Pfizer, Moderna, and their corporate benefactors.

Now we see something similar repeated. A new class of weight loss drugs have hit the market. There have been some dramatic results in adults, however, it is a lifetime commitment with recent studies showing that once you stop the drugs, the weight comes right back on. Yet the AAP addresses this issue as an epidemic outside of the control of the individual. While there are some with metabolic derangements so severe that this may hold true, it is by far the exception and does not account for our diet based obesity epidemic fueled by sedentary lifestyles. The reality in the US is that once these drugs are approved by insurers and/or Medicare/Medicaid, they will be approved for use for anyone in the overweight/obese category. The AAP claims that this epidemic is biochemical. Yet for some reason fifty years ago our same exact biochemistry had a much lower propensity for obesity.

The solution is not $1300 monthly injections of weight loss drugs. A child given a stipend of $1300 monthly for healthy food low in sugar, artificial ingredients, and preservatives would save enough to have college paid for and probably a down payment on mortgage by the time they finish. But pharma would not make anything off healthy children, now would they?

Shame on you AAP. While it is one thing to be a self-serving trade organization, it is criminal when you do so at the expense of our children.
